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How can Citrus help you manage your patient data?

Big data is influencing businesses worldwide. With the number of data points that companies nowadays are able to generate, the constant question arises on how to deal with data in a secure and efficient way. Big data is not only limited to marketing or sales functions anymore. The pharmaceutical industry is also facing challenges of working with the many data touchpoints and insights they can receive about their patients and referrals in the most effective way. Using big data analytics enables clinical research to deal with declining success rates and stagnant pipelines, which creates immense opportunities for research sites and sponsors to stay competitive, drive revenue growth by hitting their enrollment targets through big data. The amount of data that can be collected nowadays to also find the most suitable patients possible for clinical trial elevates patient recruitment to the next level.

How Citrus can support you with managing your data

Based on our experience with over 200 research sites, one of the main difficulties for clinical research is the amount of data that is still being processed offline. Manual workflows are still in place, spreadsheets use used to collect data or databases that are not connected with each other. This results in longer work processes, missing data, and a lack of analysis of data in order to improve performance and drive success.

This is why we have developed Citrus, the fully integrated patient recruitment, and retention platform, that supports research sites not only with successfully generating referrals and managing them but also with improving enrollment and recruitment rates based on effective data management and analysis.

In order to recruit the most suitable and qualified referrals possible for your trial, we are using our health app network and are able to collect deep targeted information about referrals based on their health data, and behavior data and can provide educational content for them to inform them more about what clinical trials are and what it means to participate in a trial. All data is then collected in one central location and patient profiles created, which makes it easy and accessible for research staff to see which patients are most suitable for their needs. Patient profiles are also collecting all interactions and upcoming tasks to keep researchers on track.

Besides that, Citrus offers advanced reporting which gives you in-depth insights into campaign performances, patient interactions, referral behavior, and allows you to even collect patient feedback to enrich your data and make proactive improvements to your recruitment funnel.

Do you want to learn more about how Citrus can help you with your data management? Contact us here.

Partner with accredited companies

Since 2015, our team has been hard at work raising awareness of clinical trials across the globe. A Forbes ‘30 Under 30’ company and a graduate of the renowned Techstar program in New York, Citruslabs is at the forefront of patient recruitment and retention technologies. With over 3 million patients now recorded on our databases, our patient recruitment dashboard is fast becoming the most efficient method of trial recruitment.

Now a #1 health app in 17 countries, our Mindmate app is helping to revolutionize the way we think about healthcare. Mindmate “[takes] senior care into the digital age” (Forbes, 2018) by providing people with the cognitive decline the essential tools to help them rebuild and maintain strong mental health. Trusted by millions of users, our health community continues to grow as the content available expands to the needs of individuals today.

  • Interested in finding out more? Get in touch with us here, and check out our archives for all our top tips and tricks on running successful clinical trials in today's constantly changing industry.

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