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Bod Australia's cannabis trial for Long-Covid

Bod Australia is beginning a clinical trial hosted in the UK, exploring the effects of their MediCabilis 5% medicinal cannabis product on long-Covid symptoms.

The clinical trial will run across six months, involving up to 30 participants aged 18 and over. The trial is currently recruiting participants experiencing symptoms of long-covid (showing symptoms 8 weeks after initial infection).

The experience of “covid long haulers” can involve respiratory and cardiovascular symptoms, as well as general symptoms like fatigue, fever, and pain that extend for weeks or months after the original illness onset.

It isn’t yet clear what causes long-covid, though some have hypothesized that the infection may cause some people with strong immune responses to experience their immune system going into overdrive and attacking healthy cells as well as the virus. Other ideas include the virus itself damaging cells, leading to symptoms like brain fog and parasomnia.

The Bod trial will involve patient self-reports through an app to track their common symptoms such as fatigue or pains. The participants will take the Medi Cabilis 5% daily for six months. Following the trial, the analysis will establish whether the medicine l cannabis is feasible and safe for long-covid management.

Bod Australia’s CEO, Jo Patterson, explained to Clinical Trials Arena that their medical cannabis has been used to treat a number of conditions with similar symptoms to long-covid. Medi Cabilis is currently used in the management of anxiety, chronic pain, and insomnia.

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