Many of our supplement and skincare clinical trials utilize a virtual or blended design, and this offers our customers and patients a lot more flexibility. For patients, a trial taking place online (or mostly online) can make all the difference in their ability to participate.
For patients that have caring responsibilities, demanding work, or chronic illnesses that make it more difficult to leave the house, it can be almost impossible to participate in trials that require a lot of travel or frequent office visit.
One of our patients that was involved in a virtual clinical trial for an arthritis product appreciated being able to participate in clinical research that he wouldn’t normally have access to in his community.
"I live in an area that doesn't have the best access to medical resources, and during Covid I was able to take part in a virtual trial. It opened up a world of possibilities for me, and I was able to try a treatment I otherwise never could've gotten around here,” Jamie said.
He also told us that when his symptoms are at their worst, driving becomes difficult, and beyond that travelling far from his local area and potentially missing work had never been financially feasible in the past. Now though, Jamie was able to try out a new treatment from his home and schedule his online visits around his work and family obligations.
“I even noticed improvement in my symptoms, more than I've seen in years of other treatments and exercises and things like that...This was a game-changer for me, and I'm really thankful for the way medical research has evolved to where I can be a part of all of this from my own home,” Jamie said.
Learn more about the benefits and challenges of working with a Virtual CRO instead of a traditional CRO, here.
Want to create your own clinical trial?
Citruslabs provides a simple and affordable way to prove that your products actually work. At Citruslabs, we design a clinical trial that is right for you and your budget, so that you can start sharing research-backed product claims without spending a fortune. We offer the cohesive planning and management required to conduct successful clinical trials, from start to finish. Ready to get started? Let's talk! You can contact us here.