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Brand Feature: Joyspring Genius Drops

We had the pleasure of conducting a clinical trial with Joyspring to test out their Genius Drops, an all-natural supplement aimed at improving focus and overall mood in children. Their trial concluded with significant improvements in participants’ reported concentration and mood, which the brand can now use in its marketing content to support their product claims.

Joyspring’s Supplement Clinical Trial

Joyspring is a family-owned brand seeking natural alternatives to support families in obtaining the nutrients they need to live a healthy lifestyle. We worked with them on a clinical trial for their Genius Drops, a liquid form supplement that supports focus, and attention, and improves mood states.

Today, we’ll highlight their study as an example of how brands can use clinical research to support their supplement product’s health claims. This is more relevant than ever, especially given the FTC’s latest guidance for evidencing supplement claims (which you can learn more about, here.)

Why did Joyspring Pursue Research?

Joyspring sought clinical research to back up their Genius drops, designed to naturally and holistically support the focus and attention of people of all ages without the need for pharmaceuticals. The family brand found promising results when they incorporated natural supplement ingredients into their autistic daughter’s dietary routine, and noticed her mood and focus improving.

The genius drops stand out from similar products on the market by boasting a liquid formula that offers improved absorption and an entirely organic plant-based formula. Joyspring hoped that a clinical trial would prove these features' effectiveness and their product’s performance as a whole.

Clinical Study Design

The clinical study followed an interventional design over a period of six weeks, involving 38 school-aged children (from 5 to twelve years) who could not have a current diagnosis related to attentional deficits (i.e., ADD, ADHD) nor be taking any medication to treat attention and focus issues.

The data collection relied on surveys taken at baseline, three weeks, and study completion at six weeks. During this time, each of the participants took two dropperfulls of the supplement drops twice daily. Given that the study involved children, participants were allowed to combine the drops with snacks or drinks to make it more appealing.

Clinical Study Results

Following their study with us, Joyspring was able to publish positive results citing a significant improvement in participants’ ability to focus and concentrate, as well as increases in energy and better overall moods. The brand now has tangible statistics that they can use to support its claims that the drops support focus -- such as the report that 66% of participants noticed an improvement in their ability to concentrate. Other improvements were noted in mood, with a 20% general decrease in the frequency of bad moods.

Each of these improvements was recorded after only three weeks of consistent use and improved further after the full six-week course of the drops.

The study results provide evidence that Genius Drops are effective in improving factors that support learning, such as mood and concentration. They can now implement the findings of our study into their marketing materials, including packaging, website content, and advertisements.

Joyspring: The Big Takeaways

Joyspring is a fantastic example of a supplement brand using clinical research to bolster its health claims and create marketable content. Our clinical trial with them was effective in providing evidence that their Genius Drops perform as anticipated and offer a natural solution to attention issues in children. Further, the claims surrounding the drops’ effects on mood are substantiated by the study’s stats which demonstrate fewer bad moods and improvements in energy levels.

The clinical research undertaken by Joyspring will allow them to amp up their marketing content with science-backed product claims that are in line with the FTC’s recommendations for supplement brands.

Want to create your own clinical trial?

Citruslabs provides a simple and affordable way to prove that your cosmetic products actually work. At Citruslabs, we design a clinical trial that is right for you and your budget, so you can start sharing research-backed product claims without spending a fortune. We offer the cohesive planning and management required to conduct successful clinical trials, from start to finish. Ready to get started? Let's talk! You can contact us here.


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